On Friday Dec 30, 730pm, we’ll be reading “Yes, And…”. The article appeared online in April 2012, attributed to the “North American Society for the Advancement of Criminal Science”. Largely unknown, it resurfaced recently in a zine collection entitled War in the Streets – Tactical Lessons from the Global Civil War, PDF’s of which can be downloaded here.
From the text:
“Imagine the event of an insurrection as either a complex experimental symphony or a drawn out improvisational drama, with a touch of comedic elements and heroism. In either situation, all the participants will rst begin with almost no plan or shared sense outside of their environment or their knowledge of their instruments—most times no one will have any intent on playing together. Something happens, someone begins to play, and when the rhythm touches others they join in. Or in the latter case someone speaks, asks a question, and others respond and build on the narrative. In each case the primary operation must be endowed with a force of seduction. is is not to say erotic or pleasurable even, but decisive in how it approaches its environment. e operation must pose a question that is irresistible to answer. An experimental com- poser once said “the hidden secret that makes this thing function is that the audience wants to be a part of the […] plot” is originary operation, the gesture that repeats itself even as it grows in complexity, must solicit the response “Yes, and.” is is how we can measure the success of the black bloc.”
As always, we will meet at Breakaway Social Center, at 2306 S. Kedzie. Free coffee and tea will be served.