Updated Fall 2019 Calendar

We’re happy to announce that, with a little reshuffling, we’ve added two new events to our Fall 2019 calendar. On Sept 22 (note: a Sunday), at 5pm, we’ll be having a guest facilitation by a member of the Crimethinc Ex-Workers Collective, on three way fights. Also this coming Tuesday, there will be a film on the Ferguson uprising (see post below for details).

Tues Sept 17th, 7pm: Film Screening, “Touch the Sky”

On Tues Sept 17, join us for a special screening of Touch the Sky, a newly-released partisan study on the Ferguson rebellion, made by folks from St. Louis. A trailer is here. The filmmakers will introduce their work, and a Q & A / discussion will follow afterwards.  For the location, email the address listed on the flier.

Tues Sept 10: Tom Nomad, ‘What is Policing?’

On Tuesday September 10, 2019, at 7pm, we will meet again at the lovely Read/Write library in Humboldt Park, to discuss Cleveland-based anarchist theorist Tom Nomad’s piece “What is Policing?”. The new distro, Leveller.info has been kind enough to lay out a zine especially for the occasion. You can find it here.